
Saturday, November 5, 2011




Zat Makanan Manusia Yang Ke Enam:

Diet selulos adalah zat makanan kesihatan yang amat kurang di ambil oleh penduduk kota. Makanan yang diproses kemungkinan besar akan melambatkan gerakan peristalsis salur gastro usus dan merangsang penyerapan lemak. Akibatnya makanan yang sedang dihadam itu akan berada di dalam usus besar dalam jangka masa yang lebih lama lalu mengumpul kotoran dan racun dalam darah serta mendatangkan pelbagai penyakit. Chitosan adalah diet selulos yang dibuat daripada kulit krustasia.

Ciri-ciri Kapsul Aunew Chitosan:

1. Di ekstrak daripada kulit sejenis siput yang semulajadi dan beraktiviti tinggi. Chitosan Aunew tidak larut air serta mengembang ke dalam bahagian yang berongga dgn caj negatif ketika ia memasuki salur gastro usus dan dapat menyerap lemak 10kali beratnya.

2. Kesan yang lebih baik disebabkan adunan saintifik dengan vitamin C. Vitamin C dapat merangsang kuasa penyerapan chitosan serta mengelakkan berlakunya proses oksidasi pada chitosan di dalam salur gastro usus.

Kesan-kesan Pengambilan Chitosan:

1. Mengikis lemak pada salur gastro usus dan mengawal pengambilan lemak.
2. Menyerap logam berat pada salur gastro usus dan membuang racun.
3. Merangsang gerakan peristalsis dalam salur gastro usus dan melegakan sembelit.

Golongan Yang Disasarkan:

1.Mereka yang ingin mengurangkan berat badan (kesan yang lebih cepat dapat dicapai jika digunakan bersama-sama teh hijau & spirulina)

2. Mereka yang ingin mengawal bentuk badan selepas pengurangan berat badan.

3. Mereka yang banyak makan daging.


Mereka yang mempunyai alergi terhadap makanan laut haruslah mengambilnya dengan berhati-hati.

Aturan pemakanan:

1 - 2 kapsul, 2kali sehari.
10 - 20 minit selepas makan.
Minum air sekurang-kurangnya 8gelas sehari.

What is Chitosan

Chitosan, on its most basic, is a natural product derived from chitin, which is a polysaccharide found in the exoskeleton of shellfish or crustaceans such as crabs, shrimps, prawns, lobsters, squids, and clams. Water – soluble AUNEW Chitosan has low molecule size to enable easy absorption and utilization by our body to increase its effectiveness in the blood stream. It helps to excrete toxic elements in the body and regulates various body functions to maintain the body health and delay the aging process. With the acknowledgement of its quality by the Japanese Health Food and Nutrition Food Association


Prevents arteriosclerosis, heart diseases and reduction of cholesterol

Chitosan is effective in inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol in our intestines and reducing the concentration of cholesterol and dissolving blood clots. It also shows remarkable effects on the prevention of arteriosclerosis, heart diseases, cerebral stroke and sudden death.

Helps weight loss

Chitosan effectively binds with fats and reduce the absorption of fats after meal. In addition, it absorbs excess fats in blood and excretes them from the body, thus achieving the effects of weight loss.

To prevent and to control of high blood pressure

Chitosan absorbs chloride in the intestines and excretes it from the body to prevent high blood pressure.

Improves digestive functions and promotes growth of friendly bacteria

Chitosan promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria living in our intestines while inhibits the breeding of harmful bacteria. This facilitates the assimilation of nutrients and improves the functions of the digestive system. According to test conducted by Tottori University of Japan, when rabbits which suffered from hepatitis and fatty livers were fed with Chitosan, their livers returned to healthy color.

Increases resistance and controls cancer

In tests conducted by the Japanese Medical Society, mice were planted with malignant tumors and later injected with Chitosan. Three weeks later, it was found that Chitosan was effective in preventing cancerous cells from spreading and enhanced the resistance of T cells in the immunity system.

Expels heavy metals and balances electrolytes in the body

Living in a polluted environment, we are vulnerable to diseases caused by heavy metals and which cannot be cured easily. Chitosan absorbs and expels the metal ions to ensure the balance of electrolytes in the body.

Expels toxins, detoxifies and prevents urban diseases

Modern life is susceptible to environmental pollution and food contamination. As a result, harmful wastes pile up in our body. These include residues of pesticides, food additives, preservatives and others. Chitosan absorbs and binds with these harmful substances in the intestines and blood vessels and excretes them through the sweat, urine and feces to ensure health and prevent common illnesses suffered by urban residents.

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